Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Lesson 1 Songkran Festival_Role Play

Hi everyone, let's talk about Songkran Festival. The following video you will see a tour guide and his tourist talk about Songkran Festival in Chiang Mai. You can learn the language usage and get some ideas about it, then you will be assigned to create your own Role Play with your partner.

While watching a video clip, you need to complete the dialogue using the given words in the following web link


decorate                            make merit                           reunion                       lasts
celebrate                           scented water                       procession                   ancestors

Guide:            Ladies and gentlemen, Happy Songkran Festival!
Tourist: Happy Songkran Festival, too. How long do people         1           the Songkran Festival in Chiang Mai?
Guide:            It usually          2           five days, from April the 13th to 17th.
Tourist: What do people do on April the 13th?
Guide: They clean their houses and take part in a           3            of the revered Buddha image.
Tourist: How about April 14th?
Guide:  They carry sand to a nearby temple to form pagodas and           4             them with the colorful banners. 
Tourist: What about April 15th?
Guide: People offer food and alms to the monks to           5          .
Tourist: What about the final two days of the Songkran Festival?
Guide: The 16th is a family           6           day. On this day people pay respect to their                   
              7         and elders by pouring           8          . And the 17th is the day for people to clean themselves.
Tourist: I see. By the way, when can people splash water?
Guide: Well, every afternoon as long as it is hot. But make sure you don't hurt people.
Tourist: OK, I won't. Let's celebrate the Songkran Festival!
Guide: Let's go and have fun.

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