Thursday, May 14, 2015

Let's Role Play about giving suggestions to your tourists what to wear when visiting a Thai Buddhist temple.

1) Model Role Play: (25 mins)
You are going to watch a video clip, in which a tour guide and a tourist talk about the do's and don'ts for visiting a Buddhist Thai temple. Watch the video clip and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. After that, video tape your role play of the video in pairs.

bare your shoulders
dress properly
touch the monk
use flash
historical objects
shirts with sleeves
remove our shoes

Guide:            Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am Annop and today I will be your tour guide.
Tourist: Good morning, Annop. Are we going to visit a temple this morning?
Guide:            Yes, that's right.
Tourist: Are there any           1          we should know about?
Guide: Well, you should           2          .
Tourist: What do you mean by "dress properly"?
Guide: You should wear           3          and trousers or skirts that cover your knees. And you shouldn’t           4         .
Tourist: How about shoes? Can I wear sandals or flip flops?
Guide:            Sure, because anyway we need to           5          before entering a temple.
Tourist: Can I take a photo inside the temple?
Guide: Yes, you can, but you shouldn’t           6          because it may cause damage to the site or object.
Tourist: Hmm…may I take a photo with the monk?
Guide: Yes, but if you are a woman, you shouldn’t           7           or stay very close to him.
Tourist: Oh, I see.
Guide:            Besides, you shouldn't touch the           8           or take anything from the site you visit.
Tourist: O.K., I won’t. Thanks for your suggestions.
Guide:            It’s my pleasure.

After watching the video clip, don't forget to complete the dialogue given above in the following web link here:

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