Sunday, February 22, 2015

Course Content

Week No.
No. of Hours

Brief Content
Lab or Practicum or Other
1.     Jan. 26-30, 15
Class introduction

·   Class introduction
·   Warm up activities
2.     Feb. 2-6, 15
General Information

·   Basic information about tourism industry in Thailand
3.     Feb. 9-13, 15
·  Travel & Transport
·  Accommodation

·  Basic knowledge about Transportation
·  Language Focus: Expressions regarding advices and information about travel and transportation in Thailand
·  Vocabulary and language used when dealing with accommodation-location, types of accommodation, room rates and facilities provided
·  Trip planning discussion
4.     Feb. 16-20, 15

·  Vocabulary and language used when dealing with shopping in Thailand
5. Feb. 23-27, 15
Giving Directions

·  Vocabulary and language used when asking and giving directions
6. Mar. 2-6, 15
Visiting a Historical Park

·  Vocabulary and language used when visiting historical sites
·  Trip planning submission 15 %
7. Mar. 9-13, 15
Thai Food

·   Vocabulary and language used when asking about preferences, food introduction, cooking process explanation
8. Mar. 16-20, 15
Review for Mid-term

·  Role-play 15 %
9. Mar. 23-27, 15
Midterm Examination
10. Mar. 30-Apr. 3, 15
Thai Culture and Traditions

·  Vocabulary and language used when describing the Thai way of life and traditions in general, some do’ s and don’ts
·  Group discussion for a final project
11. Apr. 6-10, 15
Festivals and Ceremonies

·  Vocabulary and language used when talking about Thai festivals and ceremonies
12. Apr. 13-17, 15
Cultural Activities

·  Vocabulary and language used when talking about Thai culture activities
13. Apr. 20-24, 15
Visiting a Thai Temple

·  Vocabulary and language used when talking about brief history of temple, architecture and functions of various building for public services
14. Apr. 27-May 1, 15
Special Interest Tour: Sericulture

·  Vocabulary and language used when describing background or the history of the place or activities being observed
15. May. 4-8, 15

·   Simulation 10 %
16. May 11-15, 15
Group project presentation

·  Presentation
·  Video clips & Brochure
17-18. May 18-29, 15
Final Examination

Assessment                                                                                           National Holidays
1.       Mid-term Examination                                      25%        1. Mar. 4- Makha Bucha Day (week 6)
2.       Final Project                                                         35%       2. Apr. 6- Chakri Memorial Day (week 11)
·         Group Video Clip 10%                      3. Apr. 13-15-Songkran Festival Day (week 12)
·         Group Brochure                   10%        4. May. 5-Coronation Day (week 15)
·         Individual Presentation      15%        5. May 13- Royal Ploughing Ceremony Day
3.       Simulation                                                            10%           (week 16)
4.       Role-play                                                              15%
5.       Trip planning                                                        15%

Total      100%

References:          - English for Tourism, Wannaporn Wanichanugorn, Chulalongkorn University Press
                                - English for International Tourism, Iwonn Dubicka, Longman

                                                                                                                (Asst. Prof. Dr. Akara Akaranithi)
                                                                                                                     Dean, School of Liberal Arts
                                                                                                                                January 22, 2015

This Course is Approved by the University Academic Council on……and offered from [ ] 1st [/]2nd semester, academic year 2015

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